About National Conference


Many of the issues confronting humanity are the same persistent problems that humans have been solving for generations. Humanity has been hampered since prehistoric times by hunger, energy crises, food instability, sickness, the need for raw materials, and pollution. Nevertheless, throughout history, the creation of new technology has made it possible for our quality of life to dramatically increase, but humanity has still struggled to meet these difficulties. Biotechnologies are widely used, have a wide range of uses, and have enormous potential to help solve these problems. Biotechnology refers to the utilization of biological processes for industrial and other objectives, particularly the genetic engineering of microbes to produce hormones, antibiotics, and other compounds. 
Interesting Facts

Numbers Expected

50 +
Sub Themes To Explore
50 +
Expected Speakers
2 Days
Conference Duration
500 +
Expected Attennde

Event Schedule


Event Sponsors


Some Previous NESA COnferences